Friday, January 15, 2010


2 months have passed. just last night we were watching tv, sitting on the floor, side by side, i turned to him and said: hey! wow! you're my husband!

sometimes i don't realize that we're actually married.

2 months have passed and a lot has happened in that short amount of time. new experiences, new feelings, new lessons learned. new dreams, new purchases! together.

highlights so far: 1 bali trip, 2 yogya trips, 1 house purchase, being nomadic half the time, sleeping over in his room, adopting a kitten who ran away 2 nights later, being adopted by 2 friends and a teen nephew, doodling on our 3 hour wait at the doctor's office, 30 minutes in the doctor's office together for the first time, getting the right ratio of coffee:sugar:water for your morning coffee, our unsynchronized schedule of waking up and falling asleep...

i should stop, cos listing these things make me love you and miss you even more!

1 comment:

  1. so...happy second month madame..(hi3x)
    how happy he is.. found you!
