Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"ooh pretty!"

i must admit, i loved the tiffany & co experience. i've browsed around their website. pretended to be holly golightly while walking past the store, even imagined their solitaire ring on my finger. i swear, i don't know what it is about girls and sparkly shiny jewelry.

i don't think i've pointed and said "ooh pretty!" so many times in one store. it's ridiculous how a silver cupcake charm can cost as much as a fridge, but i still want one.

something special happened today. he has purchased what would be the gift for me for our wedding. i think it's very special because it's the perfect concept for the occasion: it's two interlocking circles as a pendant. it also reminded him of how his dad wore his wedding ring, around his neck.

and it's my very first tiffany item :)

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