Monday, December 21, 2009

bad is good. good is good.

i wonder what's in store for me in 2010. the end of 2009 is nearing and it's been quite a year. what happened in 2009, i'll write in some other post, some other time.

this one is about this past long-weekend. good news or bad news first?

okay, bad news.

i discovered that my myomas had grown almost twice the size since 2 years ago. when my doctor told me i needed to get an operation to take them out, although he was very reassuring that there was no need to worry too much, honestly i was shocked. i wished i had my best friend waiting outside the room. i'd never been hospitalized before, never broke a bone, let alone undergo surgery. although the myoma is a benign form of tumor and does not lead to cancer, due to its fast growth it needs to be observed. if i had gotten pregnant, most probably the myoma would grow even faster because of the higher level of estrogen. i'd have to deliver the baby by c-section instead of natural birth because the myoma may tear in the process or may block the passage of the baby coming out. but i'm not pregnant, so that's good :)

it's amazing that a simple touch of a hand can make your worries melt away. my husband was driving as i told him this piece of news while trying to hold back some tears (successfully!). while doing so, all he had to do was hold my hand and kiss it and say nothing, and i knew everything is going to be alright. it's magic!

i strongly suggest to my dear dear friends who i deeply love, to go see your obgyn, tag a girlfriend along if that makes you feel better, and get your yearly check-up.

to learn more about myomas/uterine fibroids

and now on to the good news.

i don't know how this happened, but all of a sudden we're buying a house! woohoo!

all logic says we're probably not ready yet, but so far, the pattern shows that when we're following our hearts, we can make it!


  1. *hus* and *double hugs* praying for everything to flow beautifully xx

  2. hi...Irma..wish u be tough for it..about a, i can't waiting to see it!..congrats dear!
